Sabtu, 02 April 2011

[Dota] DTS berhenti menjadi Sponsor ?

Salah satu team terbaik dunia DTS, sekarang merubah nama menjadi Garaj/Moscow5. Hal itu terjadi karena sang sponsor memutuskan untuk pergi dan tidak mensponsori dota team lagi. Team ini masih tetap active sambil mencari sponsor terbaru untuk mengirim mereka ke OSPL.

Sang suport rooster " NS" juga akan memutuskan untuk pensiun setelah Gosucup berakhir. NS memutuskan untuk focus pada kehidupan aslinya dan masa depannya.

Berikut adalah statement sang manager "V1at" , dikutip dari :

        First and foremost, I would like to thank the organization and especially DTS.Chatrix CEO Maxim 'XPEH' Dyakonyuka for all the things he did for the team, myself and the DotA-scene. It's been great for 2 years, which obviously will be remembered for a lifetime. There were hard times, we had ups and downs, but have always had a team sponsor and got always supported. DTS.Chatrix gave us all a lot of emotions! Why were successful at ESWC and especially on the WDC in China. Thanks to all the fans of our team: thank you for being with us all this time and supported us! I note that the team continues to play and train in the same composition, and we hope that we shall be able to visit OSPL in early April.

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